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Dr. Fuhrman

Monday, September 10, 2018

God Bless America

Making America Great Again

Just for fun I was thinking what I would say to the president if I had his ear for just a day or so? What changes I would suggest we take to Make America Great Again! I want to believe in this great country of ours that Yes, no matter what my background, belief system, race color or creed that all of our opinions matter to all our leaders. That my vote does count too.

National Security

For our nation’s security Mr. President nothing is more important to me than our own infrastructure. One of my favorite presidents of all time was the honorable Abraham Lincoln. One of his most memorable quotes to me was “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and loose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” Of course our roads, bridges and buildings are important.  The major concern I have is for our food chain, water supply and the air we breathe each day! We must protect our day to day living environment to stay strong within. Our nation’s health is of the utmost importance. Making this a top priority will keep our nation strong! It seems to me and many others now Mr. President that something is fundamentally wrong when our government provides so much support to big agricultural business’s which are now genetically modifying more and more of our food.Which comes with more dependence on chemical pesticides, herbicides and synthetic fertilizers? These chemicals and fertilizers run off into our rivers, lakes, streams and eventually our oceans polluting our water supply. As well as depleting our nutrient rich soil. More and more recent research is now showing also the impact this is having on our wildlife. The point I am trying to make here Mr. President is that it seem to me we have got this all backwards! That laws governing agriculture should support more those farming organically or naturally without the use of chemicals or farming methods that harm our natural resources, Clean food, Water and Air. Many of us now look at this totally from a business point of view. Clean air, water and food are an asset to our country. Polluting these valuable resources is a liability we cannot afford. Simply stated it is Bad Business practices. Again Mr. President let’s support more the organic and certified naturally grown farmers. Many of us now feel that this should be and can be and will become Our National Standard of Farming! Accept no less than simply the best for our country.


 WOW! Like most American’s I am shocked by the rising cost of our Healthcare system today. Truly Mr. President I see this as one of the greatest challenges you are facing now. How do we control the cost? Staying positive here and seeking solutions again I stress the importance of protecting our national resources. We must not allow the water we drink, the air we breathe and the ground we grow our food on to become toxic to our very existence. I don’t think this can be understated. This is taking a Preventive measure to ensure good health to us all! Every American as well as every citizen of the world deserves these basic needs. Again many of us now have simply put it the test. Eating chemically free food naturally grown has more nutritional value. I found for myself that after giving it a fair try overtime I would eat less and felt better for it. Also I found in all cases to me it tasted better. We all understand the importance of staying fully hydrated and drinking a good source of water. Fresh air and sunshine (the purist form of vitamin D) are essentials to good health. Again Mr. President what I am emphasizing here is Preventive Medicine. As Hippocrates the founding father of Medicine stated “Food can be your Medicine.” It can make you well and whole or make you sick. There are many natural cures and alternative forms of healthcare that emphasize taking preventive measures to preserve your well-being. Placing more of an emphasis on getting to the root cause of an ailment rather that just treating a symptom. As the system looks to me now again it is fundamentally wrong! The cheapest most accessible foods are being genetically modified. Again here Mr. President I urge not only every American, but every World citizen to research and understand GMO’s.  Genetically Modified Organisms. After researching the subject for myself I personally want to thank every gardener, every farmer, large or small for choosing to grow your food naturally. Please Mr. President do not deny the citizens of the free world wholesome naturally grown food. The Standard American Diet; I have also heard it referred to as S.A.D. Is still way too loaded with GMO’s and highly processed refined foods. Foods made with white flour, white sugar and high amounts of sodium. But again here Mr. President more and more folks all over the world now want change! I urge you here again as the leader of the free world. We can have the best of both worlds here and now with good wholesome foods that taste better too. Too much junk food will continue to create disease like obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes and heart problems to name only a few. The end results an increase in the cost of Healthcare for our nation. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Ambassador of Goodwill

Above all Mr. President I ask that you be an Ambassador of Goodwill to all. Not only to the citizens of our country but to the world. Again here I think of Abraham Lincoln when he stated “The best way to destroy an enemy is to make him your friend”. Understanding, Compassion and Goodwill will unite people. Fear and Misunderstanding divide us. I draw a lot on the wisdom of our 16th American President the honorable Abraham Lincoln. I guess you can say I think of him as a role model for all our presidents. Again another quote I wanted to share of his was “If you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” I stand behind you Mr. President in all that you do. I am a Patriot who loves his country. I pray for you and all our world leaders.Let's set the right example for the rest of the world to follow !  God Bless America.

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