Maximize Your Potential

Dr. Fuhrman

Healthier living made possible by lifestyle change

In Health and wellness circles I have heard the phrase " Eating clean". Making the effort to eat pure and healthy naturally grown plant-based food. Avoiding the S.A.D. The standard American diet today with GMO's( which comes with a lot of chemical use ) and highly refined and processed foods. Help ! Too much Salt, oils and sugars in our diets. S.O.S. 

Lifestyle change. A Healthier diet.

I thought okay I am going to give this a try. A fair try and really try to eat "as clean as I possibly could". Wow !!! I think I understand now how Popeye felt after eating his spinach !!! As the founding father of medicine Hippocrates stated also " Food can be your medicine". Yes, just like to much junk food can lead to serious health issues like Obesity, diabetes, heart failure etc. etc. Eating clean pure plant based food can regenerate body cells and restore DNA to it's original purity. It's all about being consistent in your Good eating habits. Again true healer's know that no true healing can take place unless you get to the root cause of the disease. So more and more now we understand the importance of diet and lifestyle change for real healing to take place. You simply owe it to yourself and your loved one's to incorporate slowly and gradually if necessary the dietary changes to eat more raw food grown naturally. Eating as much fresh food in it's raw and natural state. I think of it as getting back to the basics of true Health and Wellness. Special Thanks to Dr. Joel Fuhrman  and his ground breaking studies and research into more and more of a plant-based raw food or vegan diet. Interested in learning more ? Check out Dr. Fuhrman's Nutritional Education Institute. NEI. Founded with the idea of assisted many others into transitioning to a healthier lifestyle through dietary changes. One of the best books I ever read on health in general was Jethro Kloss's " Back to Eden".
Dr. Fuhrman is sort of a modern day version of Jethro Kloss to me. Mr. Kloss was into the raw plant based vegan diet too. Stressing that the animal products like meat,poultry, butter, cheese etc. are not really fit for human consumption. Jethro Kloss was very knowledgeable in the use of herbs for healing and supplementation as Dr. Fuhrman is with targeted nutrition. Dr. Fuhrman also offers many different lab tested nutritional supplements aimed at more specific symptoms and nutritional deficiency's.  Be sure to check out his selection of multivitamins.
Here is to Your Good Health. Cheers. Dr. Fuhrman may say " A salad a day will keep the doctor away. The real super foods are the green leafy vegetables. It is so green being a vegan and eating mostly raw foods. You use no energy cooking or baking anything ! And again they can be so cruel to the animals in big agriculture now. To those of us eating a plant-based diet we recognize meat as a second hand form of protein. Totally unnecessary. One of the first points Dr. Fuhrman made in his study material is that at one time they had the Food pyramid upside down to help the meat and poultry farmers. One of Dr. Fuhrman's most recent books is titled " Fast Food Genocide". Most timely with so much GMO food being produced now. We see our youth struggling with food addictions and such now. As Dr. Fuhrman stated it is now very much affecting the mental health of our nation.
Progress is being made. The Food Revolution Network  is making a real difference towards positive change in this arena too. More and more, We got a Revolution taking place and truth is marching onward and upwards. Let's "be the change" we want to see !  My testimony is it is well worth it.

Thank You Again. Sincerely, Your Green Products Affiliate. Arthur

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